My Journey

I grew up in what many would describe as a typical family. My mother taught at the local school, and my father worked as a city analyst.
At school, I was never a standout student. I wasn’t disinterested — truth be told I was far more fascinated by people than by academics.
I’d often hold "Deep & Meaningful" conversations at the back of the classroom—unofficial coaching sessions, you might say.
Leaving college I felt lost, uncertain, and scared, with little to show for my efforts. I fell in with a crowd who, like me, were trying to find their way.
A twist of fate shook me to my core —a car I was destined to be in was involved in an accident, killing two of my closest friends at the time. That moment gave me a second chance, and a sense of responsibility to use my life in service
I began my legal career as a junior barrister’s clerk, working tirelessly to build a name for myself in an industry that sometimes felt unwelcoming in the early days.
Over 20 years, through countless trials (pun intended) and the support of great mentors, I created a level of career success I could never have dreamed of at the start.
But somewhere along the way, I lost myself.
I chased career success relentlessly and, in the process, sacrificing relationships, friendships, and my health.
I’d pause evry so often and question my choices, only to bury myself in work and distractions, living from one holiday to the next.

I met a supportive partner.
Together we built an inspiring vision for our life together.
In losing myself, I found my Self.
By 2017, I had proudly stepped into a senior leadership role at one of the UK’s leading barristers' chambers.
I trained as a coach to further my leadership abilities.

This worked—until it didn’t.
In 2014, I hit a low point. A turning point.
I began to look deep within.
I invested in myself — through coaching, training, therapy, men's work—and embraced practices like meditation and breathwork.
I began to live life from the inside out, driven by values and purpose rather than the pursuit of money, status, and power.
This shift was profound.​​

I discovered a passion for transformation at the deepest level. This led to me walking away from the comfort of a steady salary and into the uncertainty of entrepreneurship.
The more I let go that was not serving me, the more I found out what I truly wanted.
I don’t claim to have life figured out. I make mistakes, and I learn from them. I’m not a teacher or a guide, but someone committed to living in alignment with my values and supporting those I meet along the way.
If you’re ready to make a change, let’s talk.
Get in touch. ​