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Mindset, it’s not what you think

Writer's picture: Graham SmithGraham Smith


What have you heard about mindset? 

I invite you to pause and take 30 seconds to answer 3 quick questions…

  • What does ‘mindset’ mean to YOU? 

  • What is your biggest challenge right now?

  • How would that challenge change if you created the optimal mindset?

If you answered the last question with anything other than “it wouldn’t be any different” or something similar, this newsletter may challenge your thinking.

Here’s a belief I have about mindset based on my experience as a coach…..

When we shift our mindset the problem itself has not changed at all. Even if our mindset were to shift from 0/ 10 to 10/10…nothing about the challenge itself has changed.

I had a conversation with a client this week. She was dumbfounded because she was not making any progress on a leadership challenge despite creating a 180 with her mindset. 

She ‘felt’ better about it, but nothing was happening. 

I used a diving analogy however I have NO diving experience so please forgive any misused terminology. 

Mindset is a diving board. You still have to execute the jump… 

Without the board, you’re standing at the edge of the pool with little chance of a successful dive…

The quality of your dive is directly linked to the height and positioning of the board… 

The challenge remains exactly the same…

The most important thing is your awareness of your diving board… 

If you’re struggling with a life or career challenge, check in with the quality of your board (your mindset) and be honest about where you’re at…

If you’re by the edge of the pool, do what you need to do to find a higher, better positioned board (or a bigger pool)...

If you’re on a well positioned board with and ready to dive, it’s time to take ACTION, you’ll never be in a better position.

Here’s the thing…

Don’t expect the action to be any easier, or the result any harder to come by just because your mindset has shifted. 

You’ve still got to get off your toosh and do the work. 

Use the shift in your mindset to take action.

When you act from that place, your actions will be more effective. 

If you procrastinate, you’ll either 

  1. act from a less productive mindset, and you can expect less productive results

  2. end up right back where you started, with no action

Bottom line…

Creating awareness around mindset is crucial to understanding how likely you are to achieve success, so check in and make adjustments when you need to. 

Also, be mindful when your mindset is in a goodenough position to take action, then GO FOR IT!

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