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How to handle the 3 Crucial Transitions in EVERY day

Writer's picture: Graham SmithGraham Smith

Updated: Mar 18, 2024

This week I was working with a new client towards the goals of empowering her to tap into the appropriate energy for each phase of her day. 

She told me a familiar story I can personally relate to of rushing through every part of the day, from one thing to the next at 100mph. 

Every moment from her morning alarm to lights out felt like a continual race of ‘to-dos’, ‘shoulds’ and ‘have tos’ including her meditation and workout. 

If you can relate, read on to learn about the 3 crucial transitions which take place almost every day. 

As with all transitions, HOW you make that transition is crucial to what happens next. 

The common quote is “how you do anything is how you do everything”, however I prefer “how you start everything is how you do everything.”

Most high achieving professionals have 3 crucial transitions throughout their day. 

How they handle those transitions typically informs presence, productivity and overtime, success. 

An example of a poorly planned transition into the morning is opening Instagram, news apps or emails as soon as you wake up. 

Beginning the day diving into comparison, other people's agendas, and the world's problems will shape how you view and move through the whole day. 

An example of a bad transition into the evening is shutting down the laptop and heading straight into the next room to chat with your partner. 

This increases the likelihood of bringing stressful, negative or repressed emotions from work into the relationship.  

Here are the 3 crucial translations which take place almost every day, with some tips to create conscious transitions that gently invite in the right energy.


From sleeping into waking when you frame your mindset for the day 

  • Gratitude Journaling: Count your blessings to wire your brain for positivity and creativity

  • Intention Setting: How do you want to ‘show up’ throughout the day and where might you be challenged? 

  • 20 minutes of morning daylight: Dial in your circadian rhythm and let your body/ mind know it’s time to wake up (this has the added bonus of boosting AM energy for the following day)


From your morning into your working day when you define how productive you will be

  • Prioritise: Set aside time at the start of the day to work on YOUR priority projects

  • Intention Setting: What’s your No.1 priority for the day?

  • Break Blocking: Schedule time and set alarms to take breaks throughout the day. This is an investment that will have a return in the form of productivity once you work more efficiently and effectively 

Winding down 

From your work day into your evening when you may be seeking relaxation and connection

  • Bring The Shutters Down: short meditation, reading something relaxing, observing your thoughts, light exercise. 

  • Intention Setting (are you noticing a theme?): How do you want to show up for your evening? 

  • Dial Down: Commit to not looking at emails/ social media/ news beyond a set time 

Signalling to your body and mind you’re transitioning into a new phase of the day will empower you to consciously choose the type of energy you want to invite in. 

This will reduce the chances of starting the day on a diet of negativity, prevent you from investing your most vital energy in the agenda of others and empower you to create evenings where you can relax, reconnect and rejuvenate.

If you would like tailored tips for your specific schedule and needs, just hit reply and let me know! 

To your success,

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