Everything IS out of control?
Ever feel like your life is like a runaway mine train?
You have an ever growing to-do-list that you have given up trying to shrink.
You’re inbox above the arbitrary number you define as ok over 99% of the time
A personal to do list which has notes so old you don’t know what they’re referring to.
More responsibility is on the horizon…
You fantasise about starting anew as a fitness instructor and/or yoga teacher.
The only restbite is holidays, which you pay for on your return.
Maybe it feels like life is simply OUT OF CONTROL.
And maybe it is…
Ok, now take a deep breath in through the nose for 6 seconds, then breathe slowly out the nose for 8 seconds.
What would it feel like to be in control of your life?
What would have to happen for you to be in control of your life?
What happens in your body as you give yourself permission to imagine that?What 3 words come to mind? (hit reply and share with me)
If this is at all relatable, I’ve got you.
A heads up first, you might NOT like what you read.
First, let's talk about the cosmic canvas upon which all our dramas take place.
We are currently stuck to an organic spaceship, spinning at 1,000 miles per hour.
Suspended by a burning ball of fire that is a million times the size of earth.
The solar system is blasting through infinite space at 448 miles per hour.
11.6 billion years ago all of the matter from every star, planet, moon and everything on them was condensed into a space the size of a pinhead.
In 5 billion years from now, our sun will expand and swallow up earth
If that wasn’t enough, in 1 Googol from now (that’s a 1 followed by 100 zeros) the entire universe will collapse and there will be no matter left.
I could go on….well not really.
My point is, we live in a universe that’s out of control beyond our imagination.
We shouldn't know all this, but we do, and it’s terrifying.
Control is a response to uncertainty.
Ever notice how, the more uncertain a particular area of life is, the more you try to exert control there?
The further away the promotion feels, the more you try to control the outcome.
The bigger your to-do-list, the more tunnel visioned and stress driven you become
The strange thing about control is, you’ve got to give it up to get it.
I warned you might not like it, but you’re here.
But seriously, try it.
Pick an area of your life that feels out of control right now, a relationship, a goal, your to-do-list, your wellbeing.
Practice letting go of the control you are bringing.
Sit down, take 3 long deep breaths into the belly and slowly exhale.
Relax your body, and create a fresh set of thoughts that support you to relinquish control.
Maybe a mantra might help; “I’m welcoming the uncertainty of this part of my love”
I know a thing or two about energy.
One thing I know about energy is that once you let go of control, you will start to see more options in front of you.
More creative, innovative and intuitive solutions that support you get to where you want to go faster than you otherwise ccould have.
This is because energy is invested in controlling, is wasted.
Instead of using your energy to control, use it to dream, envision, create and innovate.
It’s a subtle shift, but a profound one.
Be fearless,