IIs your procrastination actually self sabotage?
Here’s the scene:
You know what you need to do next.
You’re very clear on the consequences of not taking action right now.
If you’re really organised perhaps you have a to-do-list for the day, your calendar is time blocked with your tasks.
Maybe you even mentally rehearsed your day ahead just like the world's top performers.
Despite all this, you’re not doing what you're supposed to be doing.
You’re sending emails, responding to WhatsApp’s, checking social media or maybe even doing the dishes or laundry if it’s a WFH day.
You get frustrated, start calling yourself names and reluctantly get to work on what you’re supposed to be doing, and it’s not long before you give up.
Perhaps you don’t even get started as you’ve tried the last step so many times already.
You label it as procrastination ‘the action of postponing or delaying something’
Time to have a check in with self sabotage.
At the deepest level of your soul, do you believe you are worthy of the success you are trying to create?
If not, your ego could be running the show.
There is a tendency to think of an ego state as bravado and overconfidence. This is ego.
In fact, victim mentality, helplessness, hopelessness and inaction are all ego states too.
These thoughts and feelings protect us from taking action that might lead to failure or feeling exposed to judgement.
The ego, whilst doing the well meaning job of trying to protect us, sometimes invites us to play small.
The thing about the ego is…..it likes to be right.
This includes sabotaging actions by creating low energy actions, or inaction, that ensures failure.
If there are lightbulbs going off in your mind right now, you’re in the right place.
This is ultimately a matter of self worth.
When we align our self worth with our specific goals, we start to think and feel differently about the future.
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.
This includes your goals and your highest vision for your life.
This fresh perspective and increase in energy can dissolve self sabotage and procrastination instantly.
Here’s a few really simple tips to increase your self worth
Do something to help someone without being noticed or taking any credit for it.
Get clear on the exact message you are receiving from your inner critic (hint: it’s usually a form of “I’m not ______ enough.” avoid good, worthy etc, get specific). Start to gently question that belief.
Journal about any shame, blame or guilt you are holding onto for any past actions. You can reframe your actions by journaling about what you learned, how you grew as a person, and how those actions actually support you to be a better person now. Checking in to see if you can make amends somehow, without causing any further upset to anyone.
Instead of investing hours in productivity books, podcasts, tricks and tips, get straight to the root of the issue by addressing the underlying energy that is creating your procrastination.
It’s deep work, and it’s not always easy
But like I say often, if you don’t change the root, you won’t change the fruit.
Be fearless!